Genocide against the Maya Ixil

On 10 May 2013, Efrain Ríos Montt–Guatemalan dictator between 1982 and 1983–was found guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity and sentenced to 80 years in prison (50 for genocide and 30 for crimes against humanity). You can read more about the trial from the International Justice Monitor website.

Download the full sentence

The full sentence (in Spanish) can be downloaded from these links in pdf and txt format. The pdfs are searchable but if your pdf reader does not recognise the text layer you might need to use Adobe Acrobat Reader. Please note that the txt files, created in Tesseract, are relatively messy.


Organismo Judicial (2013). Sentencia C-1070-2011-0015 Of.2. Guatemala City: Tribunal Primero de Sentencia Penal, Narcoactividad y Delitos contra el Ambiente.

Genocide against the Maya Achi

Download the full text of the Plan for the reparation of damages and harm suffered by the communities affected by the construction of the Chixoy Hydroelectric Dam pdf.